CFR #CC001| Climate, Time and Human Society

This volume has an Open Call for Research. Please submit chapter ideas for social, cultural, political, economic research concerning temporal and spatial issues related to climate change.

Submit a PDF, following all submission guidelines, of your proposed Chapter to:

Submission Guidelines

All submissions should be a single PDF file, or a single ZIP file with a PDF and any supporting material (images, charts, data, etc). The first page of the PDF should contain ONLY the author(s) name(s), email address and Praxilla Media Author Username (you must register at our site to submit your work; you will include your account username on the first page of the PDF).

Submissions must be received via our online submission portal by the date established in the Call for Research. If the Call is ongoing, open-ended, or repeating, then there may be no close date listed.

Submission Notification

All decisions regarding acceptance or rejection are handled by the Title Editor and the assigned Managing Editor. Decisions will be notified after the CFR has officially closed. In some circumstances, notification or expression of interest, including suggestions for revision or provisional acceptance, will be made before the CFR officially closes. Those decisions, and your notice of them, is considered protected information and you are only allowed to share such status under the conditions of your contract for publication and your contract for submission.

CFR #CC001 Open

Managing Editor: A Szczurek

Format: Book, 8 Chapters, plus Preface and End Matter

Target Audience: Public, Undergraduate, Graduate, High School

CFR #CC001 Links